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Great thanks! The most beautiful figures in the front line of epidemic prevention

The monitoring stations are established in the most crowded posts

In order to ensure the safety of the tenants in the two parks, the property department of the park has set up the testing stations at various intersections to measure the temperature of people entering and leaving the parks. They have been fighting at the front line of the epidemic prevention and control.





Multiple temporary isolation areas are arranged in the park

The epidemic isolation areas are well arranged in the park. Moreover, the customer service department also makes the statistics on the surveys of tenants, company employees, and vehicles with Hubei-registered license plates in the park, and reports the statistics in a timely manner to ensure full coverage without omissions, and also highlights and reports the situation of the personnel to and from the place where the epidemics occurred.



At present, the Shiwan Ancient Town Cultural and Creative Park and the Ancient Nanfeng Kiln Park (A, C, D) have been closed and managed according to the government's requests. The temperature measurement and registration have been carried out for the people and vehicles entering the parks since February 9th.

Shiwan Ancient Town Cultural and Creative Park

Closed Areas: Three exits at Yuejin Road, Zhenzhong Road (direction towards Dawugang Park) and Henglitai

Normally Opening Areas: Two exits at Zhenzhong Road (direction towards the hospital) and Heping Road


Ancient Nanfeng Kiln Park

Area A: The entrance at Jihua Road (Shili Baxiang) and two exits at Guangfa Bank are closed, (main entrance at Fenghuang Road) are open normally.

Area C: The outer parking lot is closed, the people and vehicles are isolated, and the two entrances are open normally.

Area D: Fenghuang Road (with the gate of security housing lane) is closed, and the original entrances and exits are retained.

The above information will be well known!

They pay close attention to disinfection and cleaning at any corner

The cleaners in the park pay close attention to disinfection and cleaning at any corner. They clean and disinfect at high standards and strict requirements every day, in order to provide a clean and tidy environment for everyone. With their love for the park and their determination for epidemic prevention, they become the most beautiful figures in epidemic prevention work.





In this battle against pneumonia caused by novel coronavirus (Covid-19) without smoke of gunpowder, the Ancient Nanfeng Kiln Park and the Shiwan Ancient Town Cultural and Creative Park have been protected to ensure the normal operation of various functions with a solid line of defense built by the respectable property security, cleaners and all the staffs fighting at the front line. 

With these most respectable and lovely people, we will surely achieve a comprehensive victory in this battle for epidemic prevention and control!




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Gaomiao Road, Shiwan Town, Chancheng District, Foshan City

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